.... I love seeign the pictures of your chickens.Chickens Molting and hens laying eggs have slowed way down! Laying hens on strike! I am sure we are not the only ones with laying hens that are on strike. I took a torch and fumbled my way through the dark garden down to the chicken coop to see the damage.The feed store thought they sold us a hen, we thought she was a hen. Sorry about your hens :( The news ones are pretty - top left a Rhode Island Red? and The speckled ones look like Sussex hens? Thanks for the tips to keep ...Actually, we can use every rooster that is produced.
photo road island red chicken
Photo Road Island Red Chicken SoulRiser, ALI AL-ARBASH, Mary Sonis, and 1 other people added this...Rhode Island Reds are very interactive chickens and are wonderful producers of medium to large size brown eggs. Though social and people oriented, they can become aggressive, especially the roosters.Running Rhode Island Red...(Broody Rhode Island Red hens & chicks - Photo Credit: "Stonykill").I was out in the pen, sitting on the ground, trying to get some good pictures of them...Caught red handed!! It scurried away across the road to the paddocks on the other side, but my heart sunk
Running Rhode Island Red...(Broody Rhode Island Red hens & chicks - Photo Credit: "Stonykill").I was out in the pen, sitting on the ground, trying to get some good pictures of them...Caught red handed!! It scurried away across the road to the paddocks on the other side, but my heart sunk. . One of our 4 month old chickens running down a grasshopper, just out of frame. .. We started out&
..Caught red handed!! It scurried away across the road to the paddocks on the other side, but my heart sunk. . One of our 4 month old chickens running down a grasshopper, just out of frame. .. We started out& . (DON`T look at this post if you get queasy....
.. We started out& . (DON`T look at this post if you get queasy...... I love seeign the pictures of your chickens.Chickens Molting and hens laying eggs have slowed way down! Laying hens on strike! I am sure we are not the only ones with laying hens that are on strike. I took a torch and fumbled my way through the dark garden down to the chicken coop to see the damage.The feed store thought they sold us a hen, we thought she was a hen
.... I love seeign the pictures of your chickens.Chickens Molting and hens laying eggs have slowed way down! Laying hens on strike! I am sure we are not the only ones with laying hens that are on strike. I took a torch and fumbled my way through the dark garden down to the chicken coop to see the damage.The feed store thought they sold us a hen, we thought she was a hen. Sorry about your hens :( The news ones are pretty - top left a Rhode Island Red? and The speckled ones look like Sussex hens? Thanks for the tips to keep ...Actually, we can use every rooster that is produced.
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- Nov 26 Tue 2013 01:10
Photo Road Island Red Chicken
Photo Road Island Red Chicken